Physical Qualifications

A human body's muscles have four qualities and measurements as follows:

1: Can create power and can be measured as muscle power
2: Can reserve energy, by using this it is independent from the blood, which can operate for a period of time.
3: Can be contracted at different speeds, and is named; muscles contraction speed.
4: Can be stretched and the restored, named flexibility.

The patterns of the Kung Fu To'a gymnastics:

Practices must be considered according to the degree of well trained body and the practices must start without pressure, smoothly by increasing the experience we can introduce more pressure to succeed.

By the help of this practice one will be able to make an incredible impact.

A. The practices of Kung Fu To'a preserve the flexibility and obedience of the major muscles and joints.
B. The practices of Kung Fu To'a promote women's physical abilities, therefore, giving life and beauty to body.
C: The practices of Kung Fu To'a bring the body of youngsters to its ultimate condition which is very beneficial to the future of society. Especially when indicating a proper state of mind.

The body has its own philosopy and must be trained like the mind. Kung Fu To'a solves the riddle and brings harmony to the body and mind.

All pieces of the world are in harmony, that is to say the world has the soul of peace, when not synchronizes, consequently; the world will fall into greay dispair except by its own nature. Therefore, mankind which is the masterpiece of creation is made of body and soul. By obeying the rules of creation, one must try to bring harmony to himself, otherwise, he will face turmoil which is the consequence of conflict between body and soul. This matter will turn worse when selfishness leads to war. The conflict must be exterminated in the seed, and that is the key point.

Kung Fu To'a tries to obliterate the unnecessary conflict between body and soul to reach harmony; in this way of life we call it making foundation.

On any of the kung Fu To'a temple's you can easily see this slogan:

"Making mans foundation is the same as making foundation for a temple or city"

In Kung Fu Toa's way of life, a human is well respected; accepting without deceiving, full instructing and motivation for a creative mind is the objective.

"Finding yourself, leads you to finding your creator"

Kung Fu Toa's practice increases the efficiency of the heart, lungs and the other parts of the body.
E: The practices speed up the reflections of the muscles.
F: The amount of the daily absorbed calories from different routes increases to a couple of thousands and with the help of the practices it reduces the amount of extra fat in your body.
G: The practices reinforce your back bone muscles (their weakness usually cause back bone pain) and reduces the pain in your back bones while increasing the flexibility.
H: The practices make you calm, cool, collected and reduces any unnecessary excitements.
I: The practices prevent obesity, therefore promoting normal distribution of fat throughout the body, as well as, also visceroptosis (caused by the weakness of the belly's muscles).

From Kung Fu Toa's temple secrets
Yaromeh . To'a